How to setup EFT form on Adsense account

Are you puzzled on Google Adsense cheque system for Indian Publishers changed to latest EFT method? How to enable EFT or Wire Transfer method in Adsense account. Read this article to know how to proceed for enabling EFT system in Adsense account.

The major steps to enable EFT from Adsense cheque system is as follows;

into Adsense Account

Go to Account Setting

Go to 'Edit' setting for Adsense check and ticked 'Hold' option

Your payment will place on 'Hold' - do not worry as Adsense team may update it and process additional form setting to your account later, where you have to take an action for EFT.

Once, Google team updated your account for EFT after placing 'Hold' option, the message will display in your Adsense account as, this account has no valid form of payment. Please "specify a form of payment" in order to get paid. So, click on "specify a form of payment" where it will take you to another screen.

Now, click on "+Add a new form of payment" option

You will get another online form screen upon, you have to fill as per requirement and submit. You are done for EFT process from next time/month. 

Normally, it will take 2 to 5 days for EFT transfer to bank after Adsense team transaction done. For example, if Adsense team payment processed on 23rd of the month, your Bank a/c will get amount / remittance on 25th or 26th of the month.

For more detail on this, you can check on how to setup EFT form in Adsense account.


  1. I didn't know this was available in India! Thanks :)

    1. Welcome. Yes, Google introduced it in Feb 2014 as trial test of EFT to its selected publishers and now it become regular from Mar 2014 transaction for all of those who enabled it.

  2. But it's for "all" those who enabled it before Mar 16,2014? I don't think it is open to all publishers yet. Still in Beta. You might want to mention that in this post.

  3. The one who placed on 'hold' during trial period (Feb 2014), Adsense team used to often update its status for new payment link and its form. Now, they update once in a while or after 16th of every month as this become normal. Publisher has to decide on this and Adsense team will update after 16th of every month. Publisher concern is, they don't get "Specify Form" immediately after placing 'hold' option and thinking that Adsense will place 'hold' their cheque too.

    For more detail...check the EFT related Google Adsense Forum thread at!category-topic/adsense/payments/Z_rGJ_uYud0

    1. Ok. Thanks for the info, let me try enabling it. I couldn't see any official post regarding this, that's why I thought it was beta.
