Are you planning to buy Xiaomi Redmi Note or Xiaomi 4G smartphones? If so, you are in the right page to get the right information herewith. Nowadays, hard to get a new set of Xiaomi gadget unless you book online from Flipkart that too with a long queue. Yes, once FK started to register for any Xiaomi gadget for any country then it gets a long wait and hard to get our number to buy relevant gadget.
If you would like to buy MI 4 64GB smartphone then you can do it here and if you would like to buy MI 4 16GB then you can do it so from Flipkart. However, the second one already sold out and have no more on hand and customer has to wait for next shipment if any.
If you would like to buy MI 4 64GB smartphone then you can do it here and if you would like to buy MI 4 16GB then you can do it so from Flipkart. However, the second one already sold out and have no more on hand and customer has to wait for next shipment if any.
MI 4 16GB price tag is 19,999 and MI 4 64GB price tag is 23,999. However, yo can select them as per your needs and budget. Both of them are going to rock the atmosphere. There are some other smartphones from Xiaomi which is cheaper or lower than the above tagged price, you may search them on their official website to grab one.